Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Pimp My Blog - The Process

My first assignment for my Multimedia Storytelling class was to "Pimp my blog." This is the process I went about in creating it:

First, I titled my blog, and made a description as to what it was being used for. I did this under basic settings for blogger. I chose to name my blog after my name to make it easy for people to find and know it is mine, since it is my first blog and it is in an academic setting. I made the description of my blog "Multimedia Storytelling" so readers would know what it's primary use is for.

Next, I changed the background under template on blogger. I decided to go with a theme that blogger offers, because I found it to be very pretty. I chose a very bright and colorful background to grab the attention of people visiting my blog.

Then I started playing around with gadgets, about me, and adding pages. I chose to add a few different gadgets such as "My Blog List," "Follow By Email," "Search This Blog," "Popular Posts," and a "Video Bar" which I have yet to figure out. I added these because I thought it help to organize and help inform people visiting my blog. Then, I added an about me section which if I can recall, I did on google+. I did this so the reader could understand who I am and basically-what I am about. I also added my google+ picture to my blog so people visiting can better identify who I am.

Next, I changed the layout of the information of my blog, under the layout option on blogger. I changed it so my "About Me" was on the left hand side, in hopes that people would see and read that first. I added all of my gadgets to the left hand side. Finally, I left my posts in the middle because from my perspective, that set-up looks the most coherent, organized, and pleasing to the eye.

After the layout, I changed the color of text, and the font of the words on my blog. I decided to go with font colors such as white, gray, and pink, because they stood out the best from my background and accented it well. I changed my font to "Georgia," mainly because I thought it was most pleasing to the eye.

Finally, I added another page to my blog. I added a "Contact Me" page in which readers can click on that tab and find out how they can get to my Facebook, Twitter, and what my email address is. I did this so readers can communicate with me.

That was the overview of how I came to get my blog looking the way it does!

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